Friday, November 30, 2018

Summary 7

Foxcraft: The Mage

In Foxcraft: The Mage, the fox main character Isla took a dangerous journey, to the
snowlands, home of the dangerous wolves. While she’s there she meets an old friend
of hers, Farraclaw, the prince of a clan of wolves, and the wolf who she freed at a
“furless” [human] zoo in book 1. Isla was on a journey to see her brother, Pirie, and
free him from any grasp that he may be held in. On the way, she accidentally frees
the legendary Black Fox, the most important fox of the Elders, master of all Foxlore
[foxcraft]thinking that he was her brother. The problem was, that in order to get to
her brother, she had to get to the most dangerous fox of all, the Mage and destroy
him. To help her on the way, the Elders pleach themselves to each other and Isla,
[sharing “maa”[maa is the “life source of all living things”]]. When Isla defeats
the Mage, she feels the present old, weak black fox die. Isla emerges from the
rubble of the “temple” for the Mage, as black as midnight and Isla is the new
black fox.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Summary 8

A Wrinkle In Time
“Like and Equal are not the same thing at all” - A Wrinkle In Time
Of all the fictional books that I have read, this, this book, A Wrinkle In Time by
Madeleine L'engle is one of the ages, with the main character Meg, her brother Charles
Wallace and friend, Calvin OKeefe go on a action-filled, heart-weeping adventure,
making friends and enemies along the way. For those who have read this book, I am so
glad you did, and then maybe you will have shared my love for this book, those who
have not read it and do not want to read it, please do. But those who have not read it
and want to, you are in for a treat. As much as I liked this book, I still think that it is a bit over dramatic. The main threat, IT is especially overboard, a brain? Really? One thing that I think they could do is just save Charles Wallace and destroy the brain. Then everyone on Camazotz would die. Some may think that this is not a good idea, well then if everything on Camazotz was wiped out, cleaned of all bad, and maybe all good, then there would be a chance for new life, space for creatures and plants that don’t have enough space. If everyone on Camazotz died and they made a stink, bury them, like we bury our dead. If the new life couldn’t get to Camazotz, then pick ‘em up and put them on Camazotz.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Summary 6

Horse diaries: Bell’s Star

From the curious morgan colt, to the sturdy work horse, “Bell’s Star” by Alison Hart
is a heartfelt book of courage, cleverness, and trust.  After a hard day’s work of pulling
huge barrels of about-to-be syrup, “Bell’s Star” or, “Bell” and her owner, Katie ride to
the stream, where Bell spots a runaway servant.  After Bell and Katie save the girl,
Eliza, they know that people would be looking for her. Katie hides Eliza and promises
to help her find her family. One night, the night that Katie and Eliza plan to escape,
Bell hears “slave-catchers” and runs off to lead them away. When Bell gets back, Bell
and Eliza run off to where Eliza's parents are. When the girl and horse make it to
Eliza’s parents, Bell is forced to do one of two things, be free, or go back to his
mother and owner, Katie. Bell chooses to go home.

Summary 5

Foxcraft: The Elders

Isla, a fox from the Graylands, or the City, is in search of her lost brother,
Pirie, and on the way, she makes friends and enemies, she has losses and
gains, and for the first time ever, she meets the legendary Elders, the
wisest foxes Isla has ever known. But they ask her to go on a dangerous
journey, if she wanted to find her long-lost brother Pirie, she would have
to take it. To help her on her journey, they teach her wa’akkir,
shape-shifting, the thing is, you can only turn into a wolf, another fox,
or a coyote, any other form can be unstable and hurt them. She decides to
take the challenge, to go to the Snowlands, home of the dangerous Wolves.

Summary 32

City of Ember: The People of Sparks In The City of Ember: The People of Sparks it features an young man named Doon, and a young woman...