Harry Potter:
Prisoner of Azkaban
Suspense? Tension? Terror? You got it! In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of
Azkaban by J.K Rowling, it stars a young wizard’s third year at his school,
that he longs to be his home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,
and the trials he has to go through, dementors, happiness sucking, ghastly
creatures. And with the help of the new, and best, Defense Against the Dark
Arts teacher, Remus Lupin, a werewolf, he helps save his thought-to-be-a-
murderer godfather, and best friend of Harry’s parents, Sirius Black from
something worse than death, a dementors kiss. He also has to go through
a fresh school year’s worth of torture by the loathed Professor Severus
Snape. In this book Harry meets the cause of his parent’s deaths, Ron,
Harry’s best friends rat Scabbers, turns out to be Peter Pettigrew, the
Secret Keeper of the Potters. To save Sirius Harry has to go back in
time with Hermione Granger, another friend, to save Buckbeak the
hippogriff to Sirius so he can escape. The plan worked!! With the happy
thought of his innocent godfather, Sirius, free, Harry goes back to his home.
Azkaban by J.K Rowling, it stars a young wizard’s third year at his school,
that he longs to be his home, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,
and the trials he has to go through, dementors, happiness sucking, ghastly
creatures. And with the help of the new, and best, Defense Against the Dark
Arts teacher, Remus Lupin, a werewolf, he helps save his thought-to-be-a-
murderer godfather, and best friend of Harry’s parents, Sirius Black from
something worse than death, a dementors kiss. He also has to go through
a fresh school year’s worth of torture by the loathed Professor Severus
Snape. In this book Harry meets the cause of his parent’s deaths, Ron,
Harry’s best friends rat Scabbers, turns out to be Peter Pettigrew, the
Secret Keeper of the Potters. To save Sirius Harry has to go back in
time with Hermione Granger, another friend, to save Buckbeak the
hippogriff to Sirius so he can escape. The plan worked!! With the happy
thought of his innocent godfather, Sirius, free, Harry goes back to his home.
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